Serve with heart and 書這protect with love

Let every customer experience a hap南跳py service

Service philosophy

Taixiang has always sincerely sen微從t to customers with a tol厭錢erant heart, has m通街ore understanding of customers, op爸紙ened up their hearts, and greeted every是南 time with more sincere s了樹ervice.

Attentive service

Let you feel the care of Taixiang熱哥 people for every user

Attentive service

Let every question you ask can get a s信西atisfactory answer

Attentive service

Let you find peace of mind in difficul船西ties, unconsciously feel rel理厭ieved

To standardize the work of the after-事南sales service depart內很ment and meet the needs of customer請地s. Improve the market 暗理awareness of the我厭 "Taixiang" brand, increase the comp我年any's product market s內年hare, and increase customer 鄉文satisfaction and trust in the company'場外s products and after-sales service.照飛

Special proposal: One, two工樹, three, four service concept.

One. A concept "take the market白不 as the center and imple為機ment the customer first"

Two. Second con愛件firmation

a. Confirmation of customer fee聽一dback questions,

b. Confirmation o白長f customer needs,

Three. Three return visits

a. Customer sat商也isfaction return vis算門it,

b. A return visit after the customer’s 師章problem is resolved,

c. Regular return vi物音sits to customers;

Four. Four-heart se地電rvice

Service personnel should use: 那器enthusiasm, love, attentive,媽站 sincere,

In exchange for customers: sati一自sfaction, peace of mind, joy, peace of 對身mind

Maintain knowledge


Since the product is 對黑sold, special ma河物intenance outlets can perform maintenan匠船ce for Taixiang electric vehicle us不區ers according to u輛舊ser needs. Maintenan用店ce personnel must strictly abi新快de by company service regulations wh快煙en maintaining e懂說lectric vehicles for users.


The free maintenance年會 of the whole vehicle include我討s checking whether all 要高the screws and nuts of the商那 whole vehicle are firm, whether t老花he control perfor讀民mance is good, whether the ti身光res need to be replaced, whether秒地 the mechanical system is 土人in good condition, w裡資hether the battery capacity meets th答資e standard, and the b會時rush motor is repaire動答d once a year. Fill i討這n carefully after main山我tenance. The specific maintenanc多外e content is as follows:
(1) Fully小是 debug the whole vehicle, check w樂就hether there are hidden tro唱費ubles in the elec筆道trical control ci離關rcuit, and eliminate it on th呢能e spot if necessary;
(2) Adjust the front and rear 事都brakes to ensure that the brakes are fl藍睡exible and relia畫森ble;
(3) Whether the steerin哥票g of the handlebar書美 is reliable, whether there is a ph美行enomenon of mutual slidin就新g between the handlebar a女國nd the front fork;
(4) Whether the b校呢attery socket is loose, whet費關her the battery box 睡什lock is working, whether the校鄉 horn, headlight switch, and butt熱秒ons are flexible and reliable;
(5) Whethe兒行r the battery box is s妹海haking;
(6) Adjus唱這t the front and rear r中低ims for users, and fully inflate吃山 the tires;
(7) Carry out key inspec草的tions on the front a動他nd rear axles, middle axles, and fro裡銀nt forks;
(8) Whether the flywheel is 樹科flexible, and properly apply oil;
(9) Tighten all the bolts 從化of the whole veh老通icle once, and apply anti-熱可rust liquid appropriately;器快
(10) Instruct users of dai你謝ly use and maintenance exp件藍erience;
(11) The whole vehicle is cleane員女d and tested.


If any hidden dangers們她 are found during the maintenance日爸 process, they must be resolved immedi化水ately, and the user s綠友hould be explained 近書the reason, and t公我he user should be remin頻高ded to pay attention 林日when riding in the futur間雨e.


In case of special circumstance計討s, it should be explai子風ned to the user 北河that it will be開那 completed within a certain perio土呢d of time by the person in charge of 站鐵the local offic文機e and the maintenan動用ce network.

Three packs after sale


(1) If the car is sold for one year (wi刀樹thout battery), if there is a fai道黑lure caused by the 計老quality of the car, p房也lease bring the warranty card and in外業voice to the de務花signated repair station of our company站筆 for repair.

(2) Please refer to the aft司上er-sales service 草都description for the scope 多些of three guarante音歌es for the whole 在如vehicle.

(3) The addresses of maintenance 國綠stations in various regions c地間an be contacted or ob也信tained by the dealer.

(4) Please keep the warranty訊可 card and this manual, a我房nd read the "Imp得人ortant Tips and是分 Advice" in the manual again, it w數我ill be of great benefit to you to 這黑use the car cor著訊rectly and to ma舊兵ke it serve you better.

01. "Three Guarante妹身es" Principle

(1) When you buy a car, you should 長我inspect it on the spot, debug it corr北討ectly, and have the ri現高ght to ask the sales staff to provid討和e correct usage and 見上maintenance items, provide valid invoi窗吧ces and warranty car是銀ds, and repair units, addresse們音s, and telephone n房南umbers .

(2) The user should operate and人長 use it correctly acco見會rding to the product manual. 場有Any performance failure due to manufa服中cturing quality reasons, according to 綠為the "Product Quality Law of the Peopl湖司e's Republic of China", "Consumer Righ山問ts Protection La著小w of the People's Repu鐘站blic of China" and "綠影Regulations on Responsibilities fo厭費r Repairs, Replacements and Retur理少ns of Certain Products", the compa坐站ny will unify the relevant p在器roduct three guarantees Perform the資些 "Three Guarantees"商離 obligations.

02. Free service content durin如分g the "Three Guarantees" period

(1) If large part外空s such as the frame, fr電白ont fork, and handlebars of th開上e whole vehicle have spon吧銀taneous welding, desoldering, o下小r fracture, they shall be replaced with的友in one year.

(2) Paint parts such 去說as frame, front fork, mud plate, ch習鐘ain cover, batt醫靜ery box and battery box sea動錯t, if large pieces of paint are 報土found to fall off, they shall be 南草replaced within答子 three months (manual dam刀機age, scratches,兒但 etc.) Falls within this ran不些ge).

(3) Electroplated parts su門機ch as handlebars, rims, chain年公 cranks, hangers, double s上水upports, etc., if the electroplating都愛 layer is found to嗎男 be blistered or peel也生ed off, replace it within t花子hree months.

(4) The heat-treate火分d parts of the moving parts劇個, such as front axle, re音你ar axle, flywheel, 女刀etc., are damaged or bro山鐘ken, and should be replac費唱ed within three裡黃 months.

(5) The inner tube 頻購can be replaced if綠輛 it leaks due to internal quality 信年problems such as trachoma 冷開within half a month of 暗國buying the car (it will not be replace也間d after repair).

(6) If the vehicle's商家 controller, charger, electr物訊ical display inst我黑rument, speed control handle林機, brake lever power-off sw要業itch, etc. fail to be repair生喝ed, they will be replaced 舞短within one year (man-mad跳化e damage does not fall within this scop司海e).

(7) If the inte姐電rnal gear of the electric motor is 事冷broken, the bearing is brok件拿en, the motor housing is cracked, the媽爸 unit is damaged, and othe算鐘r irreparable faults, the brus大工hed motor will be 內新repaired or replaced withi上小n two years, and the brushless 錢厭motor will be repaired within three又兵 years. Repair or replacemen錯人t (man-made dam鄉雜age does not belong to this scop海數e).

(8) If the battery is found to 呢資have shell cracks, leaks, 相男cracks, etc. (man-made damage is n妹樹ot in this range), and the capa風小city is less than 4通得0%, it will be maintained or 微件replaced within on從錢e year, and the electric motorc亮美ycle battery will be ma開冷intained or maintained wi有場thin half a year replace.

(9) For other unac朋外companied matters, if the parts are話朋 damaged and affect the riding, in pr愛信inciple, they will be replaced 開木within three months. Afte雪市r three months, they will be repl醫一aced at a cost.

The above free service period is su鐘科bject to the date of car 錢吧purchase.

03. Not within the scope an業離d content of "Three Guarantees"

(1) The user fails to us區上e, maintain and adjust the fault 近海according to the "Instruction Manual"女謝.

(2) Failure caused by d見草ismantling or modifica分雪tion by the user, 師報and failure to comply with the use re拍鐵gulations.

(3) Failure caused道媽 by improper st短短orage by the user or accident.

(4) there is no warranty card, invoice購去 or ticket card conte外相nt does not match間們.

(5) vulnerable parts, consumables a家廠nd self-demolition parts tha你時t are not in accordance with th議開e regulations are not three packs (工議vulnerable parts an計農d consumables ar兵問e: spokes, bulbs, fuses, brake cable有花s, brake skins, 科山tires, Rubber cover離我, saddle leather).

(6) The cost of來知 self-repair without the c動生onsent of the sp購數ecial maintenance unit.

04. Special Reminder

(1) wading regulations

When the vehicle is driving on watery答現 roads or wadin作房g in the rain on a rainy day, 河分the wading depth mu舞東st not exceed the radius of the rea人得r wheel (motor). Do not spray wit照亮h a water gun when washi得影ng the car. If the user violates this r影子egulation and causes the motor to 司土enter water, the internal coil is 可機short-circuited, the magnetic ste制樂el falls off or the con下風troller enters the water short-circu來少it, they will not enjoy筆秒 the quality assurance service.

(2) Regulations for severe overload時些ing

The quality assurance ser南說vice will not be provided if the購亮 entire vehicle or parts is damage熱村d or its functions are lost due to笑我 overloading of the user.

(3) Taixiang Electric Bicycl飛銀e Co., Ltd. reserv朋小es the right to inter腦笑pret these servic到年e rules. If you hav資村e any questions, please call T雜她aixiang Company.

Online message

If you have any good suggestion短他s or comments for us, 報北you can fill in here, or y分村ou can feed us the pro自件duct information you wa機哥nt to order,

We will contact you as s國師oon as possible. In錯學 order to ensure that如請 your information can老慢 receive more timely and accurate fe費對edback, please fill in your慢街 e-mail address畫民 and other related content correctl也能y

National Service Hotline: 亮道0576-89169599