Company Profile

Taixiang has always sincerely se吧線nt to customers with a tolerant hear電舞t, has more understanding of c讀嗎ustomers, opene開兒d up their hearts, and greeted ever木做y time with more s舞又incere service.

Zhejiang Taixiang Motor Co., Ltd. is費聽 a professional electric vehicle en制兒terprise integrating R&D, manufac去紅turing and sales. It is the 體購first to obtain the na村女tional first-lev讀身el motorcycle pro兒站duction qualification and national話雨 3C certificatio到山n. Since its establ劇作ishment in 2005, the com外綠pany has been ad鐘長hering to the concept of 雪信"quality is abo兵房ve everything, and service is endless司我". Through 15 years o水答f persistence and hard w朋煙ork, it has been recognized by dea音外lers and users a雜有nd has now become a工也 domestic electric vehicl湖哥e. Well-known brands in the indu業子stry.

The company adheres 得上to the creed of "Integrity and家相 quality are the 店問life of an enterprise", with R&D,上動 manufacturing, and sales as the c麗南ore, and at the same time develops 謝懂from multiple main lines such 也外as electric veh唱草icles, mopeds, and el上中ectric tricycles, and rapidly我鐘 enhances brand com信下petitiveness. T又子aixiang Electric Vehicles has become a 房呢large-scale electric vehicle 中人production base with excellent bra小花nds, numerous categorie做離s, extensive networks, rapid growth, s但空trong strength, and regional competi秒低tiveness.

The company strictl車請y follows the ISO9001:20跳學00 quality system implement科下ation standards, and is equipped線就 with a fully automatic vehicle a年年ssembly line. The electric vehicle p市身roduction proces用店s is ahead of the in好舞dustry level. Some series of models p少農roduced by the company are well書區-known in the electric 匠書vehicle industry:但雜 automated vehicle assembly 朋謝line The work intensity 美高of the staff is greatly reduc拿明ed, the production efficiency is玩影 correspondingly improved, 照我and the excellent assembly拍光 quality of Taixi兵笑ang electric vehicl你大es is ensured. After years of de東土velopment, the company has an annu少路al production capacity金輛 of 600,000 vehicles.

The company has a CAD/錯笑CAM computer-aided design produ冷章ct development room, a vehicle 問河technology developme影書nt center, a vehic聽行le quality inspection center and oth鄉冷er professional departments, under the 城得scientific research con報通cept of "innovation, careful ver間們ification: continuous improvement 用廠and innovation" Under the科輛 guidance, a rese光數arch and development a工新nd testing syst他車em with advanced facilitie為哥s and complete processes黃暗 has been formed, which provid媽書es strong support for the contin街看uous innovation of Taixiang城吃 products.

At present, the company's sales network答路 covers all large and medium-sized ci一工ties across the country, and the b拿個rand covers 80% 門短of the country. The brand sa請森les network has reached more than 1,000劇唱. It has also established a good coop湖南eration and win-win re筆妹lationship with va裡可rious supporting enterprises acr不吃oss the country: logistics and房森 distribution strictly i哥外mplement 1SO9002 Standards去風, centralized procurement of sp你跳are parts and integrated info近能rmation management provide a guara白錯ntee for our timely an技爸d effective delivery, and ca中線n provide downstream cust家城omers with comp和麗lete, smooth, accur雜嗎ate, guaranteed and economical logis票會tics services.

"Buy a good car and就音 choose Taixiang", the comp鄉業any strives to provi文笑de customers with high-quality an水這d cheap hemp products, a老會nd brings the excellent 通車service of Taixi哥謝ang electric cars to every consumer.

Company culture

Corporate purposes:

Pursue customer satisfacti技舞on and strive for corporate少還 development

Service philosophy:

Customer first, meticulous

Business philosophy:

Integrity and quality are the life通謝 of an enterprise

Quality concept:

Careful, meticulous, atte高草ntive, satisfactory 唱可quality

Management philosophy:

People-oriented, clear responsibilities能計, strict assessment

Talent Concept:

Only use one's ability


Twice a month, all em我們ployees "discover problems and cor知妹rect errors" meeting (reading out the黑弟 opinions in the suggesti暗音on box). The chairman,子服 general manager and all 線雨management personne件暗l of the company dir畫學ectly talk to the employees to an南她swer and solve proble中黃ms on the spot. Praise and 兒兒reward correct and advanced; critici雜綠ze mistakes and backwardness, form商醫 a unified system, co木照nsciousness, goal高廠s, and standards, and then 計事promote everyone to著能 promote the devel好化opment of the enterprise while workin中媽g hard to promote their章麗 own development.


Only when everyone is daring, wi行車lling, and good at 體熱expressing their own opinions and opin文姐ions, will they squeeze, collide an兵大d spark, will innov船一ate, will gather everyone's strength 現物to better serve everyone and indivi場雨duals, and will rise into a virtuous ci西術rcle ,track.

Be responsible fo草知r

If you have power but are說麗 not responsibl弟時e, it will cause great damage and des動個truction. It is not外去 as good as having no power. Only by 森金being responsible c讀路an one promote the improvement of one's到劇 professional spir短光it and professional s慢花kills, and bring about the improvement快遠 of material life a女道nd social status. Res務木ponsibility means "bleedi弟跳ng". I have established a bus習這iness for more than ten y制美ears. In these ten years, I 謝冷have never defaulted or delay也務ed the salary of employees fo報厭r one day, and I have ne聽腦ver owed a penny to the supporting 國樹manufacturers. My good reputati北我on has brought a large number of作飛 companies together. Talents匠訊 make the product 哥筆matching very conveni人間ent.
