Marketing activities

Let every customer experience a happ睡麗y service

Cooperation to 議章join

National Investment Hotli煙匠ne: 0576-89161111

1. Distributor qualificat能她ion

1. Recognize the Taixiang brand and it地家s related corporate c自在ulture;

2. It has certain吧體 economic strength and can meet the 要外start-up and foll不答ow-up development of medium-sized s物業tores (above 100 square meters);

3. The location has t唱南he conditions and developm站開ent potential to open a Taixian些快g electric vehicle 筆水store;

4. Be honest and t紅拍rustworthy, have a g門科ood work enthusiasm, have a strong業朋 sense of teamwo話玩rk, and devote yourself to store mana少說gement;

5. Comply with national laws and 弟謝regulations, have no il林日legal business records, and have a good森習 market credit;

6. Shops with traffic ar錢暗teries, commercial blocks o高水r local motorcycle/electric 嗎音car markets;

7. Sign the "Joining Contra黃說ct" and accept the rights and 什空obligations stipulated in the contr弟工act;

8. The dealership 我水operates independently, is responsible 懂說for its own profits and losses, is愛這 independent and cost-effective, 很著and accepts the guidance and supervisio樹西n of the headquarters i也吃n terms of image manag什黑ement and business;

2. Taixiang brand adv場技antage-brand ser林理vice system exported from the entire s唱來tore

Once the dealer joins the Taix制鐘iang electric vehi有愛cle system, Taixiang will start內媽 the whole store output meth呢少od to expand the market and coo農化perate with the dealers sincerely. Taix上志iang Headquarters provides弟樂 a full range of support 女購including brand license, regional prote身說ction, product quality, product dis關現tribution, store用一 location selection, decoratio頻場n plan, sales training月西, management suppo外分rt, publicity support, operation gu小但idance, etc., system management and 他下cooperation with franch理謝isees to obtain careers success.

1. Strong corporate backing黑美, many years of expe了為rience in the elect紅家ric vehicle industry, model of hundr話水eds of dealerships across t師我he country;

2. Provide bran國家d authorization and us飛司e the VI system of "Taixiang"個裡 and "TONLY";

3. Provide opening support, and the 有章headquarters will能校 arrange specia醫就lists to assist the distr站習ibutors in personnel tra紙從ining and pre-opening adver能區tising planning;

4. Provide regional protect化嗎ion, in order to protect the i外校nterests of existing dealers 道的in this area to t雪醫he greatest extent, protect their靜數 business areas to ensur著姐e the greatest interests of d少明ealers;

5. Provide decoration s黑短tandards, and companies provide store d高山ecoration manuals, internal de身算coration pictures, documents and oth信家er materials;

6. Provide management suppor樹呢t, provide comprehensive managemen但到t, publicity, shopping厭中 guide and other manual su土睡pport;

7. Provide term街電inal support. Headquarters will send到制 experienced supervisors to s線視upervise the dealerships on a regul哥算ar basis to ensure the sm新為ooth implementation of all 歌說links, promptly discover operational p站裡roblems, and provide continuous su著離bsequent services;

8. Provide advertising support,南小 professional adve水微rtising company year-round se舊線rvice, and regularly up北秒date the advertising image場一;

3. Brand guarantee

1. Product guarante慢計e:

1-1. There are three series花紙 of electric vehicles, electric我要 motorcycles, and mope問作ds, with dozens of pr來鐵oducts to meet the needs of different p下林eople and different occu站資pations;

1-2. Accelerate the 間些product development and upgrade of 聽吧the headquarters, and c生放ontinuously launch new products to meet紅藍 market demand to ensure the到師 frequency of new l購厭aunches;

1-3. Continuously用我 improve the cost perfor小用mance of products and ma習你ke timely improvements according 了計to customer requirements;

2. Propaganda guara暗農ntee:

2-1. Continuous public到光ity on TV, newspapers, magazine錯工s, and the Internet;

2-2. The advertising 鐵金company provides山開 year-round serv個我ice to meet the distributor's車區 publicity needs at any time;

3. Service guarantee

3-1. The well-trained Taixiang team wil畫大l provide you with one-stop and co東靜nsiderate services o他車f order placement, produc美頻tion, logistics and after-sa東低les.

Marketing network

With the continuous樹喝 increase in custo錯年mer reputation of Taix多讀iang electric vehicles and the 風票increase in brand a習理wareness year by year, Tai妹水xiang electric vehi懂但cle sales networ一微k is showing geometric growth in the f是現orm of dot-to-face, with 6 b草站ranches, radiating 大動hundreds of franchise distributio購遠n outlets, and brand雪站 coverage in Central 可窗China In 80% of不錢 China, including East China, South 喝鄉China, Northwest, and Southwest China,不資 the establishment, growth a機嗎nd expansion of each branch company h用校as condensed Taixiang’s sw行理eat and poured the un好低limited expectations and hopes of 那到Taixiang people.

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